Locating data


Tell godkjenn where to start looking for the data directory with the -C option. Tell it the name of the data directory with the -d options. E.g. godkjenn -C tests -d .godkjenn_dir status.

-C defaults to “.” (i.e. the current directory), and -d defaults to “.godkjenn”.


Godkjenn stores data for each call to verify() in your tests. The data it stores includes any accepted or received data for the test, as well as any metadata required for the other data (e.g. mime types, encoding, etc.). Godkjenn wraps all of this up in the concept of a vault, and the vault stores this data on the filesystem.

When you run godkjenn, it needs to know where to find the vault data. It find this based on two pieces of data: a starting directory and the name of the data directory. By default the starting directory is whichever directory you run godkjenn from. Similarly, the default value for the data directory name is “.godkjenn”. Godkjenn starts by looking for the data directory name in the starting directory. If it doesn’t find it, it checks the parent of the starting directory. It continues looking up the ancestor directories until either a) it find a directory containing the data directory or b) it runs out of ancestors.

Assuming a data directory is found, godkjenn now has the information it needs to run.

An example

Suppose you had a directory structure like this:


Here the “.godkjenn” directory is the data directory that godkjenn needs to find.

The simplest mode for godkjenn is if you run it from the ‘tests’ directory:

cd my_project/tests
godkjenn status

Run this way, godkjenn will find the “.godkjenn” directory using its default settings. It will first start its search from the “tests” directory because that’s where we’re running godkjenn from. Since by default it looks for a directory called “.godkjenn”, it will find it immediately.

Specifying a start directory

Suppose though that you wanted to start godkjenn from another directory. If we wanted to start godkjenn from the ‘my_project’ directory we’d need to tell it where to start looking for “.godkjenn”. We can use the -C command line argument to do this. Here’s how it looks if we start godkjenn from the ‘my_project’ directory:

cd my_project
godkjenn -C tests status

In this case, instead of starting the search in the “my_project” directory as it would by default, godkjenn starts the search from the ‘tests’ directory.

Using a different data directory name

While unusual, it is technically possible to use a different name for the data directory. Suppose you instead had this directory structure:


You can tell godkjenn to look for a different name with the -d command line option. For example, to run godkjenn from the ‘my_project’ directory with this structure you’d use this:

cd my_project
godkjenn -C tests -d .godkjenn_data status

Again, you won’t normally need this, but it’s there if you do.

Creating the data directory

Probably the most common way to create the data directory is to let godkjenn do it for you automatically. This generally happens in one of two ways. First, when you run tests using the pytest integration, it will create a “.godkjenn” directory in the pytest root directory. Pytest uses a fairly involved algorithm to determine the location of the root directory.

Another way to create the data directory is with the pytest receive command. If no existing data directory exists (as determined by the algorithm described above), then this command will try to create a “.godkjenn” directory in your current directory. If you use the -C and/or -d arguments to change where godkjenn starts its search, then godkjenn receive will create the directory there instead.

If you don’t want godkjenn receive to create a directory, you can pass the “–no-init” argument.